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Individual Journey


Enter into your own unique individual journey of spiritual direction, coaching or mentoring,


Spiritual Direction


Spiritual direction is a ministry which offers a person (a directee) space, time and companionship, 

for the purpose of deepening their experience of and relationship with God.


Companionship is offered by a spiritual director - someone who accompanies another (a directee) 

on their spiritual journey of faith, life and relationship with God.


A spiritual director can offer a trusting relationship and a safe sacred space 

where a directee can rhythmically pause to perhaps:

Talk about their faith, life and relationship with God​,

Share and explore their spiritual experiences and journey,

Voice their doubts, questions and challenges,

Speak of their highlights, accomplishments and joys,

Reflect upon and consider their beliefs, values, approaches, choices...


During this conversational time a spiritual director will help the directee in the process of

listening to God, discerning what He is saying, how He is guiding them, and how they wish to respond. â€‹

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The relationship and journey being cultivated 

is the one between the directee and God. 


Having such space, time and companionship

can be significantly helpful for many people. 


A typical rhythm initially for a director and directee

to meet is once every six weeks.  As the relationship establishes and the journey progresses, the rhythm of meeting up may be once very three to four months,

or perhaps twice a year.​


I trained with the Spiritual Direction Network.




People are naturally creative, resourceful and whole.  

It doesn’t always feel like that but we are... you are!  


You hold the key to your heart, your dreams, your passions, your desires, your values and your resourcefulness.  

Entering into a journey of coaching helps you to unlock your heart and discover what is within you; 

this can bring you direction, confidence, hope and fulfilment.


A journey of coaching is great for anyone who wants to awaken to:

Discover their dreams, passions, life purpose, destiny, values, gifts, strengthens and weaknesses;

Grow in self- awareness and self-confidence;

Cultivate their own unique pathway in life.


As a Coach I trained with the Coach Training Institute.





A mentor is someone who journeys alongside you as you walk along your pathway of life.

The mentor has walked a similar path, having been there before you they are able to help, support,

guide and speak into your life from a place of experience and wisdom.

They know some of the highlights, shortcuts and pitfalls. 

As you walk along your pathway it can be helpful to have a trusted companion

who is watching and listening from a different place, position and perspective.



Find out more...


Further information about Coaching and Mentoring can be found at Heart of Oak website;

please click here to navigate to Heart of Oak website:



Costs: my heart is to make spiritual direction, coaching and mentoring accessible to anyone

who wishes to enter into such a journey; I have a recommended fee, however costs are negotiable.


If you would like to find out more about how to enter into your unique individual journey of

spiritual direction, coaching or mentoring,

please get in touch with me, Alison Green,

by using the contact form below.


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