Short Thought continued.....
‘The apostles returned to Jesus from their ministry tour and told him all they had done and taught.
Then Jesus said, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.” He said this because there
were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his apostles didn’t even have time to eat.
So they left by boat for a quiet place, where they could be alone.’
(Mark 6:30-32 NLT)
These verses speak of rhythm and invitation.
Jesus had sent the disciples out on their first ministry tour. They had gone in twos, with the purpose of
and authority to cast out evil spirits and demons, heal the sick, and tell people to
‘repent of their sins and turn to God’ (Mark 6:6-13).
On their return the disciples were eager to share their experiences with Jesus and with one another.
They wanted the opportunity to relay what had happened, to speak of their adventures,
and to learn more in preparation for their next mission.
Jesus gave the disciples time and space to do this.
Yet, he also recognised their need to rest and replenish; hence the invitation to come to a quiet place.
There is a time to be sent, to go, to give, to minister and to serve others.
There is also a time to come. A time to withdraw to a place of solitude and quietness with Jesus where we
can share our ‘ministry tour’ experiences with him, where we can receive, where we can rest and replenish,
and where we can be prepared for what is next.
Life is meant to have rhythm.
Jesus taught his disciples there is a time to go and a time to come;
a time to work and a time to rest; a time to give and a time to receive.
When we live constantly at the same pace or in one sphere of purpose,
at some point, we become imbalanced or off-kilter.
Thought: Where are you in this rhythm? What is it time for? What is Jesus’ invitation to you?
If your time is to go on a ‘ministry tour’, do you know Jesus’ purpose and
have you received his instruction and authority?
If your time is to withdraw to a quiet place, what space is Jesus creating for you
and how can you best come with Him?
Blessing: May you be blessed with peaceful discernment and confidence to be in time
and in step with Jesus’ rhythm and invitation to you.