Short Thought continued.....
Along the Way
We can live thinking that when we are healed from our past,
or when we are restored from weariness,
or when we have completed training and have qualified,
or when we have a deeper relationship with God
and a better understanding and knowledge of His Word,
or when we have reached a certain level of maturity,
THEN we will be of use to God:
we will be ‘ready’ to serve Him and others.
But God doesn’t work like that.
God uses His people along the way:
As He heals us, He uses us.
As He restores us, He uses us.
As He equips us, He uses us.
As He grows us, He uses us.
So don’t hold yourself back by thinking you cannot be of use to God until
you think you are ready or you think you are in a ‘better’ place.
If you will let Him, God will use you along the way.
God will use you in everyday ordinary life to share His Word and Truth,
to show His love, to encourage others and to bring glory to Him.
‘For it is (not your strength, but it is) God who is effectively at work in you,
both to will and to work (that is, strengthening, energising, and creating in you
the longing and the ability to fulfil your purpose) for His good pleasure.’
(Philippians 2:13 AMP)
Prayer: Father God, may I grasp the truth that it is You who gives me strength, energy, passion and
ability to fulfil your purposes. Work through me and use me for Your good pleasure, Lord. Amen
Thought: How are you letting God use you along the way?