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Short Thought continued.....

At Ease


‘“But the one who always listens to me will live undisturbed in a heavenly peace.

    Free from fear, confident and courageous,

you will rest unafraid and sheltered from the storms of life.”’

(Proverbs 1:33 TPT)


Over the past several months, I have found myself in a place of deeper rest,

and deeper relationship with God.  

This was not something I’d planned but a consequence of living in a world where sickness exists. 

I don't think it was something God planned; it was something that He foreknew.


The grace of our God of Creation – who knows my body intimately – was that He spoke

to me through scripture and through preaching as he drew me into Himself.  

In that deeper place of resting in His grace, my body, mind and spirit recovered.

(‘He offers a resting place for me in His luxurious love.’  Psalm 23:2a TPT)


As I gave my heart into God’s hands to heal, He called me to ‘be still’.

Striving and straining was physically impossible so I sat and waited.

 In that place of stillness, He ‘tilled the soil’ of my heart.


Some days His hand revealed heart attitudes that were spoiling my relationships:

I repented and received His grace.

 Other days His hand brought light and air to parts of me that had been hidden:

I rejoiced and received His healing.

Slowly my strength began to return under His companionship and guidance:

I gave thanks and praise for His love and attention.


This time of ease was not inactivity nor a season of feeling useless, cast out, or being afraid.

It has required focus and pacing, and for new daily habits to be established 

to provide a framework for my new life.


I call it my spiritually fallow season, my time to rest and reset,

to be replenished and re-nourished in Him. *


Prayer: Thank you for the truth of your word, that

”… whoever listens to [you] will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm.”

(Proverbs 1:33 NIV)

Bless each person reading this with a deeper rest and deeper relationship with you.

Through the circumstances of their lives, may they find faith-filled peace and hope.  Amen.


Thought: In which areas of your life are you experiencing God’s ease?  Give Him thanks.

How are you experiencing God’s ‘tilling the soil of your heart?  Ask Him for guidance.



*( ,web accessed Aug 2018 )


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