Short Thought continued.....
Nowhere. Now here.
What a difference a space makes.
Nowhere becomes Now here.
Sometimes it can feel as though God is nowhere to be found.
We know deep down He hasn’t actually gone anywhere,
because He has clearly said “I will never leave you’.
But it feels like He isn’t there.
That’s when I know I need to create some space.
Space to just be.
Space to reflect on who God is and what I already know about Him.
Space to receive again His love and acceptance, His forgiveness and grace.
Space to remember I am a much loved child and He is my Father, who loves me with an ‘everlasting love’.
Space to allow Him to speak in that ‘still small voice’ that draws me back into His Presence.
Space that allows the God, who is everywhere,
but today feels like He is nowhere,
to be rediscovered as Now Here.
Where in your life can you create space to connect with the God who is always with you?
‘“My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
When can I go and meet with God?”’
(Psalm 42:2 NIV)
‘"Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest."’
(Mark 6:31)