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Short Thought continued.....

Fear not


A few weeks ago, almost overnight, a large painful mass appeared on my scapula muscle.

The consultant whom I was referred to didn’t like the look of it.

An ultrasound and biopsy were arranged, which turned out to be very invasive

(think knitting needles!).  Whilst there, the radiologist also advised me to have

an MRI and Chest X-Ray to “see if it had spread”.


At this point, I have to admit, I freaked out.


I was filled with fear - a battle had started in my mind.

I knew I had to get a hold of my faith and The Word of God.

So, I ‘threw myself’ on The Lord and cried out to Him like never before. 

I kept reading and marvelling about the countless healings Jesus did and

kept praying "Lord I know you are the same today, I beg You to heal me. 

I cannot face any more suffering at this time"

When fear crept in during those weeks of waiting for test results, 

I responded saying "Lord take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ".

(2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV)

And "The Lord has not given us a spirit of timidity or fear

but a spirit of love, power and of a sound mind".

(2 Timothy 1:7 NIV)


I am incredibly blessed to have caring family and friends who faithfully rallied round

to pray for me, for the growth to shrink, and for some good news to come out of this.


At the next meeting the consultant was visibly shocked as he felt the area and

said it was “incredible” how the mass was now only half its original size! 

And better still, the biopsy results, showed NO sign of cancer whatsoever! 

He had suspected the worst and could not explain what was happening.

I believe God was showing him that miracles do still happen today! 


During one of our meetings I had told the consultant quietly 

that I was a Christian and whilst I was praying God had asked me

to give him two of my CDs (I am a singer/songwriter). 

I just knew I had to be obedient, so putting my embarrassment to one side,

I handed them to him; he smiled and said he would definitely take a listen. 

It felt like the most natural experience and I did not expect that he would be so receptive.


I know the power of prayer and being obedient to Christ got me through these

difficult weeks.  I am indebted to family and friends who prayed for me.

The Lord is merciful, and not that I deserved healing you understand

but I believe He took pity on me. 


The past twenty years have been harrowing at times as I live with M.E/CFS on a daily basis

and although I am not fully healed of this yet,

during these past few weeks I have experienced God’s very real healing power.


‘Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever.’

(Hebrews 13:8 NIV)



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