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Short Thought continued.....

What's the Secret?


I came across some Jewish families not long ago.  They were distinctive by the way they dressed in black suits

and white shirts, and the boys and men had long curls by their temples.  They stood out by their conspicuous difference. Children around them stared and laughed, not knowing what to make of them.


Then I saw her.  She was the young bride of a young Jewish man.  She walked gracefully with a peaceful dignity and confidence.  She would undoubtedly know they were different, know that one day, God willing, they would

raise children who themselves would be different and have to deal with it.  She would also know that

the rituals of her entire life, marriage, family and involvement in the world would be different, distinctive, set apart.


What is their secret? 

How do they find the strength to be different, distinctive, and commit to what they believe? 

Is it because they are united by the ties of family?


In the same way, this is God's idea for the Church. 

Each believer in Him is united to His Family and committed to each other through the distinctive bond of Love.


Therefore, when we become followers of Jesus Christ His intention is not for us to be alone. 

He placed us in a Family so we can gain strength and be encouraged to be a distinctive, committed people of God.


If you have given up on Christian community because of time pressures, hurts, grudges, distractions or other –

do get connected back again....

For family was God's idea to help us maintain a confident conspicuous 

difference so others may come to know His boundless love too.


“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

(Hebrews 10.24-25)


Posted 24/2/16

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