Short Thought continued.....
There’s a road close by my home, which rises steeply as it winds and climbs upwards.
A few years ago when walking along this road, I was faced with one of its steeper uphill inclines,
an overwhelming fear gripped me.
I steeled myself to push through the fear and walked on looking down at the road.
I was surprised to find that when I looked down, the road looked level and I climbed easily
but whenever my head lifted, the sight of the steep path brought back the overwhelming fear.
I kept my head down and when I finally lifted it again, the incline was way behind me.
More recently, during a long period of struggle and stress that exhausted me spiritually, emotionally
and physically, that experience on the road would come to mind. It was as if I heard God whisper:
“Don’t look up, take life one step at a time,
“Trust in [Me] and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways submit to [Me], and [I] will make your paths straight.”
(Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV)
I kept my head down, took life one step at a time and walked by faith and trust.
I continued to obey God’s instructions for the struggle, waiting for the path to straighten.
It took a stumble to help me recognise I was through the struggle.
I wasn’t so impacted or hurt: I had developed resilience!
I recognised that God had healed me, changed me and delivered me from past hurts.
It wasn’t wrong or sinful of me not to notice that God had brought me through the struggle,
although it did limit my joy.
It wasn’t wrong or sinful to continue to use the same strategies,
even though it limited my appreciation of the present.
I simply missed the fullness of life that was there for me through Jesus.
‘I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.’
(John 10:10 NIV)
I felt my spirit quicken in response to the revelation that God had liberated me from the struggle.
Joy filled me; love overwhelmed me; praise rose to my lips.
“..for I was BROKEN and BROUGHT LOW, but HE answered me and came to my rescue.
Now I can say to myself and to all:
for the Lord rewards FULLY those who simply trust in Him.”
(Psalm 116: 6-7 TPT)
Ask God to give you the recognition of how far He has brought you:
Praise Him and give Him the glory.
Where are you walking confidently in freedom?
Rejoice and be glad.
How is God asking you to trust Him and not yourself?
Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.