Short Thought continued.....
Jesus Sends
‘When Jesus had called the Twelve together,
he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases,
and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.
He told them: “Take nothing for the journey - no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra shirt.”’
(Luke 9:1-3 NIV)
Before sending the disciples out, Jesus called them together
to clearly state what he is asking of them:
Go out, drive out demons, heal and proclaim the kingdom of God.
He blesses them with power and authority to do this.
Jesus also tells them to “Take nothing for the journey”.
The disciples are to go in faith believing that what they need will somehow be provided.
As they traveled through villages and towns, some people were welcoming
and generous in offering them places to stay, others not (Luke 9:4-6).
The disciples must have learnt a lot about trusting in Jesus’ instructions,
power, authority and provision from this experience of being sent out.
Later Jesus asked them:
‘“When I sent you without purse, bag or sandals, did you lack anything?”
“Nothing,” they answered.’
(Luke 22:35 NIV)
It may not be so easy for us to discern when Jesus calls us to him to send us out.
We may not wait for Jesus’ clear instructions, know what Jesus is asking of us
and wait for His blessing before proceeding.
Pausing before Jesus to seek clarity is essential; for if we do not have clarity,
we may not know if it is Jesus sending us out or we’re sending ourselves.
Once we are sure Jesus is sending us,
We may be tempted to take things with us as security, back up and ‘just in case’.
By taking nothing we are free to travel light rather than carry unnecessary weighty baggage.
And by faithfully believing in Jesus we will, like the disciples, be able to declare that
on our journey we lacked nothing and were blessed with Jesus’ provision.
What is Jesus asking of you?
How is He blessing you?
As Jesus sends you out, do you have faith that what is needed for the journey will be provided?