Short Thought continued.....
About Turn!
In the past few months my husband and I have navigated through a significant life change:
he was made redundant from the job he had been in for 35 years.
We saw this coming on our horizon and we had a choice to navigate through this well
or to let it overwhelm us with fear, worry and tension which could potentially
cause difficulties in our relationship and lives.
It is at times like this that I am so thankful that I can look to Jesus, depending on and trusting in Him.
I came to view this change as an ‘about turn’.
A yacht is taken through the manoeuvre of an ‘about turn’ to change the direction in which it is travelling.
When this happens the captain, who is at the helm, takes charge.
He is the one looking at the sea, the wind and the position of the yacht.
He is the one who prepares the team giving them instructions which help them to work well together.
The team needs to look to the captain.
They also need to look out for one another, raising the alert should anyone fall over board
and be in need of rescuing.
Life will involve changes and some of these will be significant.
So, how can we embrace change well?
I came to value four things:
Recognise when change is on the horizon.
Don’t ignore, avoid or be in denial about it.
When we see change coming we can choose to prepare for what is ahead as best we can.
Look to Jesus.
Let Him be The Captain in His rightful place at the helm, let Him take the tiller so that
He can set the direction, and be the One who instructs and guides.
We may need to shift our place and position to be part of the team.
We may need to create time to look to and listen to Him;
to discern His voice and act on this.
Work together.
My husband and I invested more time talking things through, considering options,
offering one another support and encouragement.
Work with those who are also going through the change or who will be impacted by it;
coordinate and communicate well.
Look out for one another.
Watch people’s ‘backs’; the boom can swing across and hit others overboard
into the unpredictable sea; they can be in danger and may need rescuing.
When an ‘about turn’ is done in a smooth way and completed,
the yacht’s sails captures the wind and settles into the new tack,
the team adjusts and comes to embrace a new direction, rhythm and pace.
What change is on your horizon?
How are you preparing for this?
How can you best navigate through an ‘about turn’?
‘I will show you…’
(Genesis 12:1 NIV)