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Short Thought continued.....

Fall On Your Knees 


‘The source of revelation-knowledge is found as you fall down in surrender before the Lord.
    Don’t expect to see Shekinah glory until the Lord sees your sincere humility.’

(Proverbs 15:33 TPT)


‘The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom, and before honour is humility.’

(Proverbs 15:33 NKJV)


One of my favourite songs to sing this time of year is ‘O Holy Night’ *.  

There is something in its lyrics and tune that stir me to anticipate the Christ-child.

As the chorus begins to reach its crescendo, my spirit is moved in joy and anticipation:

“Fall on your knees..” *


 To fall on your knees is such a visceral response to the presence of God,

an unbidden humbling caused by seeing, sensing, feeling awe at His majesty.


This Christmas I want … that.

I want to be so moved by the idea that God broke into time

and became incarnate that my only response is down:

to kneel, to hang my head, to delight in and experience the full weight of Him from a lowly position.


Prayer:  Bless me, Lord, with the joy of sweet surrender.


Thought: He humbled Himself so that I might humble myself, and ‘before Him bend’ *.

What new revelation of God may come from that stance of humility and awe?


*Public domain: “Cantique de Noel" by Adolphe Adam (1802-1856).


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